Ingressive for Good

UI/UX Design- The Difference

If you’re struggling to figure out the difference between a UI designer and a Ux designer, you’re not alone. Pretty much a ton of people are doing the same. If you read this article till the end, you should have a clearer understanding of the two roles.

A UI designer is responsible for creating the look of a website. They decide the use of colors, the use of shapes, the layout, the images on the digital product etc. Think about a very well decorated cake. The decoration, the cake box, everything that attracts you to the product, is thanks to a good UI designer. (note that UI is limited to digital products only)

A UX designer is responsible for creating the feel of the website. How you know that the hamburger menu bar is on the top right, how you know that the logo on the website leads to the homepage, all that is thanks to good UX design. Remember that well decorated cake in the previous paragraph, now imagine that it tasted heavenly, the knife cut through perfectly and its chocolate goodness melted in your mouth as it should. haha got lost there for a minute. Now, that’s UX

So it’s safe to say that UI is the icing on the UX cake. With bad UI, you’re not even first attracted to the cake and you don’t get a chance to see the amazing content therein. With good UI and bad UX, you’re attracted, but 15 seconds in, you realize you’re on the wrong app. Lol, after downloading for an hour. Tears.

UI and Ux work hand in hand. That’s why it’s so easy to confuse them for one another. I hope you’re getting the drift at this point in this article.

“User Experience (UX) and User Interface (UI) are some of the most confused and misused terms in our field. A UI without UX is like a painter slapping paint onto a canvas without thought; while UX without UI is like the frame of a sculpture with no paper mache on it. A great product experience starts with UX followed by UI. Both are essential for the product’s success.”

Rahul Varshney

UI design and UX design involve different skill sets, but they are very important to each other’s success. As a UX designer, you’ll be working in a team in which a UI designer will be a member of and vice versa. It’s inevitable. Your works will complement one another. That is why, whether you choose to work as a UX designer or a UI designer, it’ll be useful to have an understanding of both.


  1. […] Designer:UI/UX designers have two things on their minds “solving problems users have” (UI) and “creating […]

  2. […] Designer:UI/UX designers have two things on their minds “solving problems users have” (UI) and “creating […]

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