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Rejections: Your Stepping Stones to Success

“We keep going back, stronger, not weaker, because we will not allow rejection to beat us down. It will only strengthen our resolve. To be successful there is no other way”Earl G. Graves. Founder and Publisher of Black Enterprise Magazine.

Everyone has been rejected at some point. It could be a rejection mail from a hiring manager, a scholarship you applied for, an admission you really hoped you’d get, funding for your startup or a “no” after a pitch you put your best to. 

Rejection is a universal part of life, but when you’re building a tech career, it can feel like an unwelcome roadblock. 

While approval or rejection is not entirely up to you. You can strategically use those rejections as stepping stones to define your path to success.

Let’s show you how

1. Acknowledge your feelings

Rejections can be really tough. It’s okay to feel disappointed, frustrated or overwhelmed when they happen. What’s important is that you acknowledge these emotions, rather than suppress them. Recognizing your feelings is the first step towards learning how to navigate the situation and make progress.

2. Analyze the situation

After the initial pain of rejection has subsided and you feel a bit better, take some time to analyze the situation. 

Was there constructive feedback? Did you lack certain skills or experience required? By understanding why the rejection occurred, you can focus on ways you can improve and grow. If you don’t do this, you’d most likely keep making the same mistakes.

3. Ask for feedback

After the initial pain of rejection has subsided and you feel a bit better, take some time to analyze the situation. 

Was there constructive feedback? Did you lack certain skills or experience required? By understanding why the rejection occurred, you can focus on ways you can improve and grow. If you don’t do this, you’d most likely keep making the same mistakes.

4. Have a growth mindset

That you didn’t succeed the first time doesn’t mean you’d never be successful. Understand that abilities and intelligence can be developed when you dedicate time and effort. View rejections as opportunities to learn and grow, not as judgments of your worth. Keep trying until you get what you want.

5. Remain Persistent

Success will not be handed to you. You need to keep pushing. Resilience and persistence are ingredients to achieving success. Keep applying for jobs, keep talking about what you do, keep “shooting your shots”, keep refining your skills, and keep pushing forward. 

6. Diversify your skills

Use rejection as a motivation to diversify your skills. Learn new skills, improve the ones you’re already good at, explore different domains, or gain certifications that can make you a more versatile candidate. If there are specific skills you’ve received feedback about, this is a good time to start developing yourself!

7. Document your wins

Have a win journal to document and celebrate your big and small wins as you grow. Whether it’s reading a book, getting a new certification, solving a difficult problem, these milestones will keep you motivated on the days you feel down. 

8. Community

Having a support system can be invaluable during times of rejection. They can offer guidance, encouragement, and share their own experiences, helping you navigate your career more effectively.

If you need a community of Entry Level techies who are passionate about succeeding in their tech careers, you can join our I4G community here

9. Remember your why

Rejections can be discouraging, but it’s important to remember why you chose to build a tech career in the first place. Let your passion and purpose drive you through those tough moments.

Rejections are not the end of your success; they’re merely a part of progress and growth on your journey to career success. Embrace them as opportunities for growth, and keep moving forward with determination. 

How do you handle setbacks and bounce back stronger?

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